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  1. Hey. Meet the new bosses!

    Across the pond (errr… lake Ontario), Toronto has elected a new mayor, Rob Ford. A tea party-like character who promises to gut city government, roll back taxes, and reduce spending. He’s a pissed off mad-as-hell fat guy on the verge of heart attack, known for his candid and Paladino-like gaffes, and will be fun to watch. Fasten your set belts Toronto! JR would love this guy.

    Meanwhile, conservative cowboytown Calgary has elected a Muslim mayor, Naheed Nensh, who brings a more sleek and progressive agenda, and appeals to the young professionals. Will this well-spoken Harvard-educated 38-yr old idealist be able to hack it in the trenches in Calgary? In this case, I hate to say it but it probably depends on the price of oil during his term. Things should go well for Calagary in that regard. But but but… is it OK for a Muslim to wear a cowboy hat and preside over the worlds biggest rodeo? Hahahaha. Yes.

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